1) Select Migration Approach - To decide which approach is selected
Basically there can 3 approaches-
a) System Conversion (aka “Brownfield-Approach”) or Inplace conversion
b) New Implementation (aka “Greenfield-Approach”) or Shell conversion
c) Selective Data Transition to SAP S/4HANA or Remote conversion
2) Define Scope Of Upgrade - creating sow's showcasing inclusion of Fiori and HANA-DB
3) Backup Roles Before Executing Su25 - this step most useful for Inplace conversion
4) Consensus/Agreement - Document for process design proposals.
Includes how to handle Dual maintenance Activities and Parallel run , there should be process to adapt the new BW4 roles and authorization present while having existing system working(mostly in case of Remote Conversion)
5) Simplification List - you can get it from SAP Note . List showcasing details of all the auth changes going to happen in S4HANA
6) Review Table - PRGN2_CORR2, Prog - PROFGEN_CORR_REPORT_2 and the table ABLM_BLACKLIST for the changes in the release
7) SU24_AUTO_REPAIR - Execute program to repair inconsistencies between su21 and su24 for authorizations fields
8) Timestamp - Execute report Su25_INITIALIZE_TSTMP to initialize timestamp logic for su25
9) SU25 Upgrade - Perform security upgrade using T-code su25
10) Review Output of Su25 -Step 2b and 2d and decide weather to accept new transaction codes or continue with old
11) Su25 - Step 2c - Adjust Authorizations in role directly in step 2C or using PFCG
12) Transport Role - Create transport for su24 changes using su25- step 3
Finally Create transport of Roles
To remember above steps remember - AS BCS TS TS 2BDC T
A-approach, S- scope, B- backup, C- consensus, S- simplification list, T- table, S- su24 repair
T- timestamp, S-su25,2b-2d-2c, T- transport
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